PATIFU ocean 100 g

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The latest flavor in Patifu's range of popular premium tofu pate. Ocean is a perfectly spreadable spread with seaweed. 100% vegetable. For true veggie gourmets.

Brand: Veto EcoProduct code: 8800Shipping and Payment

1.37 €

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The latest flavor in Patifu's range of popular premium tofu pate. Ocean is a perfectly spreadable spread with seaweed. 100% vegetable. For true veggie gourmets.

Brand: Veto EcoProduct code: 8800Shipping and Payment

voda, tofu 22% (sója, nigari), brambory, řepkový olej, droždí, ovesná vláknina, aroma, drožďová extrakt, zahušťovadlo: karagenan, guma guar, rýže, mořské řasy 0,5% (kombu, nori), mořská sůl

Nutriční hodnoty na 100 g:

Energie 892kJ/213kcal

Tuky 17,2 g

-  z toho nas. mast. kys. 1,3 g

Sacharidy 5,2 g

- z toho cukry 0,3 g

proteiny 5,8 g

sůl 1,1 g