Tekka miso condiment 80g Mitoku
Tekka miso condiment 80g Mitoku
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A delicious original Japanese savory condiment with Hatcho miso. Tekka is suitable for flavoring sauces, rice, sushi, soups, vegetables and salads. Více
Product code: 190Shipping and Payment
7.47 €
A delicious original Japanese savory condiment with Hatcho miso. Tekka is suitable for flavoring sauces, rice, sushi, soups, vegetables and salads. Více
Product code: 190Shipping and Payment
Spices created by long roasting on a small flame. It strengthens the circulatory system, banishes fatigue, treats asthma and diarrhea, banishes migraines.
Výborné k ochucení zeleniny nebo rýže, skvělá kombinace je také v polévce s kořenovou zeleninou.
sezam, lopuch, mrkev, lotos, zázvor a miso