V.E.G. Vegan Cat 7,5 kg - plant-based complete food for cats

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Complete and balanced plant food for adult cats. Without preservatives and dyes. It contains all the necessary nutrients for a long, healthy and happy life for your cat. The ideal pack size for those looking for quality ethical and tasty food and want to purchase it at a good price. Více

Product code: 5023Shipping and Payment

55.74 €

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Complete and balanced plant food for adult cats. Without preservatives and dyes. It contains all the necessary nutrients for a long, healthy and happy life for your cat. The ideal pack size for those looking for quality ethical and tasty food and want to purchase it at a good price. Více

Product code: 5023Shipping and Payment

VeganOKV.E.G. - Vegan Cat 7,5 kg - plant food for cats

Plant-based vegan food made from first-class quality ingredients.

Ideal for everyone who is looking for an ethical, tasty and nutritious food for their animal companion.

Suitable for healthy dogs and for dogs with an intolerance to animal products, or where it has been recommended to interrupt or completely omit animal food.

Ingredients and characteristics

COMPOSITION: corn, potatoes proteins, corn gluten, peas starch, broad beans, corn oil, peas, linseed, hydrolized vegetable proteins, yeast, minerals.

Nutritional Additives per kg: 3a672a Vitamin A 22500 UI, 3a671 Vitamin D3 1500 UI, 3a700 Vitamin E (t.r. alpha toc. Acet.) 185 mg, 3b405 Copper 19 mg, 3b101 Iron 38 mg, 3b502 Manganese 76 mg, 3b605 Zinc 86 mg, 3b201 Iodine 4,0 mg, 3b801 Selenium 0,2 mg, Taurin 2000 mg, Vitamin B1 7,2 mg, Vitamin B2 7,2 mg, Vitamin B6 6,0 mg, Vitamin B12 0,05 mg.

ANALYTICAL CONSTITUENTS: Crude protein 31%, Crude fibre 3%, Crude fats 11%, Crude ashes 6%, Humidity 8%, Arachidonic Acid 0,02%, Energetic value 3680 Kcal/Kg.


2 kg

3 kg 4 kg 5 kg 6 kg 7 kg 8 kg 10 kg
DAILY RATION 45 g 60 g 75 g 90 g 105 g 115 g 130 g 150 g

V.E.G. Vegan Ethical GourmetV.E.G. - vegetal ethical gourmet

Veganská řada kompletního krmiva vyrobeného z kvalitních surovin čistě rostlinného původu a obohacená o všechny potřebné vitamíny a minerály nezbytné pro zdravý vývoj vašeho zvířecího společníka.

  • • Formulated only with ingredients of plant origin

    • No clinical tests on animals

    • Without added preservatives and dyes

    • VEGANOK certificate
Cruelty Free Preservative Free Vegan

Why a plant-based diet?

Vegetarian and vegan choices are now well-established, and more and more people are embracing this lifestyle for ethical or health reasons, or simply out of curiosity.

More and more owners are choosing to feed their dogs and cats a diet that respects these principles, which can also help to meet specific nutritional needs.

Although, as is well known, dogs and cats are animals whose ancestors are carnivores, in certain situations resorting to a plant-based diet can be of real help to them.

Particularly when other foods, containing meat or animal derivatives, can trigger disturbances of various kinds, skin or intestinal, but also where specific diets and the use of hydrolysates have not brought results, the use of a plant-based diet, even if only for a certain period of time, has proved to be decidedly effective in many cases.

7,5 kg
kukuřice, bramborové bílkoviny, kukuřičný lepek, hrachový škrob, fazole, kukuřičný olej, hrách, lněné semínko, hydrolyzované rostlinné bílkoviny, kvasnice, minerální látky.

Nutriční doplňkové látky na kg: 3a672a Vitamin A 22500 UI, 3a671 Vitamin D3 1500 UI, 3a700 Vitamin E (t.r. alpha toc. Acet.) 185 mg, 3b405 Měď 19 mg, 3b101 Železo 38 mg, 3b2502 Mangan 76 mg, 3b605 Zinek 86 mg, 3b201 Jód 4,0 mg, 3b801 Selen 0,2 mg, Taurin 2000 mg, Vitamín B1 7,2 mg, Vitamín B2 7,2 mg, Vitamín B6 6,0 mg, Vitamín B12 0,05 mg.

ANALYTICKÉ SLOŽKY: Hrubý protein 31%, Hrubá vláknina 3%, Hrubé tuky 11%, Hrubý popel 6%, Vlhkost 8%, Kyselina arachidonová 0,02%, Energetická hodnota 3680 Kcal/kg.