Vegetburger vegetable sausage 320g Salve Natura

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Salve Natura

Vegetable burger - 4 pcs, a healthier alternative to a hamburger, also suitable for wrapping, frying and serving with a side dish, e.g. vegetables, mashed potatoes or peas as a complete meal.

Product code: 1121Shipping and Payment

3.77 €

Available again in January 2025 Watch availability
Salve Natura

Vegetable burger - 4 pcs, a healthier alternative to a hamburger, also suitable for wrapping, frying and serving with a side dish, e.g. vegetables, mashed potatoes or peas as a complete meal.

Product code: 1121Shipping and Payment

voda, pšeničná a sójová bílkovina, kukuřičný a bramborový škrob, rostlinný olej, kokosový tuk, kořenící směs, karagenan, sůl, přírodní barvivo: fermenta, ibiškový xtrakt.