Veggie Steak Hallo - we grill 150g Veto

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An alternative to Cypriot halloumi cheese. It is made of tofu and perfectly spiced. It does not spread on the grill or pan, but hardens pleasantly and develops its cheese flavor. It will certainly also find application in many cold recipes.

Brand: Veto EcoProduct code: 5863Shipping and Payment

2.61 €

Available again in January 2025 Watch availability

An alternative to Cypriot halloumi cheese. It is made of tofu and perfectly spiced. It does not spread on the grill or pan, but hardens pleasantly and develops its cheese flavor. It will certainly also find application in many cold recipes.

Brand: Veto EcoProduct code: 5863Shipping and Payment

tofu ( SÓJA, nigari ), řepkový olej, OVESNÁ vláknina, zahušťovadla ( methylcelulóza, konjaková guma ), drožďový extrakt, sůl, kokosový tuk, regulátor kyselosti (jedlá soda, kyselina askorbová), koření, aroma

Výživové údaje na 100 g
Energetická hodnota 546 kJ / 130 kcal
Tuky: 10,7 g
z toho nasycené mastné kyseliny: 1,7 g
Sacharidy: 3,3 g
z toho cukry: 0,5 g
Bílkoviny: 4,5 g
Sůl: 2,6 g