Veggie Steak Yakoma-so 150g Veto

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2 pieces of juicy dark slices of Yakoma-so, but 100% vegan! An excellent basis for further processing and flavoring. They will look great on the grill, in the oven, or in the pan. Nobody can resist them on a plate or in a bun.

Brand: Veto EcoProduct code: 2540Shipping and Payment

2.61 €

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2 pieces of juicy dark slices of Yakoma-so, but 100% vegan! An excellent basis for further processing and flavoring. They will look great on the grill, in the oven, or in the pan. Nobody can resist them on a plate or in a bun.

Brand: Veto EcoProduct code: 2540Shipping and Payment

tofu (voda, sója, nigari), sójová bílkovina, řepkový olej, pšeničná bílkovina, brambora, hrách, drožďový extrakt, koření, zahušťovadla (metylcelulóza, karagenan, kanjaková guma), rýže, červená řepa, sůl, barvivo: karamel, aroma

Nutriční hodnoty ve 100g: 


energie 830 kJ/199 kcal


bílkoviny 8,1 g


tuky 13,0 g - z toho nasycené mastné kyseliny 1,0 g


sacharidy 11,4 g z toho cukry 1,6 g


sůl 2,1 g